What does Tab’d Out Do?

Have you ever found yourself wanting to visit multiple different bars, but its such a pain to close out your tab?

Whether it’s a massive crowd at the bar, or your server hasn’t been around in a while - it can be a nightmare.

Tab’d Out solves that problem and allows you to carry over one tab for the night across multiple different location.

At the end of the night, one tab will be closed out and you don’t have to worry about closing out each individual tab.

How does Tab’d out work?

Tab in to start the night

Use QR code or PIN number for the night to get the night started.

Carry over your tab between locations

Walk in and show your QR code or PIN to start using Tab’d Out at the new location

Tab Out at End of night

When the night it over, close out all of your tabs simultaneously.

sign up for the beta to reserve your spot

Currently in Beta - but we are accepting early trials